Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pane con Pomodori e Cipolle Rosse

Tomato and Red Onion Bread.  This was a lot of work because I had to cut up the tomatoes, remove the skin core and seeds, soften the onions and tomatoes by simmering in olive oil, mix into the dough, etc.  Used up some of our own home-grown tomatoes!

Turned out good, except I wasn't paying attention and the top got slightly blackened. Next time would add more tomatoes, onions and salt. Although it smelt great and tasted great, it wasn't as strongly flavoured as I expected.

The yeast and flour "sponging"...

Meaty tomatoes from the garden:

Red onions:

Fry 'em up:

Knead into the dough:

And voilà!  (the yellow slices are a cornbread I made earlier)

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