Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Nanterre Brioche

I didn't have any moulds for making the traditionally shaped Brioche, so I made the so-called Nanterre Brioche variant which is made in a loaf tin.

It was not so pleasant to make, as the greasy butter and egg mix had to be kneaded into the flour.

But it came out fairly well, with a cake-y taste to the bread. Unfortunately I was in the restaurant downstairs having lunch while this was in the oven, and when I ran up to check it, well before the directed baking time, it was already blackened on top.  This was probably because I had it too high up in the oven, and perhaps because I made a small mistake with the egg glaze forgetting to add water to the egg. Well, I learned another lesson, that I should watch over the oven...